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Blog Fodder #1 -School

Friday, December 8, 2006

“What are some of your memorable experiences at school? ”

Fodder (Go here if you want to join)
This subject was posted by
Jean-Luc Picard

Can you remember the person who beat the love out of math from you? I do! I can't recall her name anymore, but I remember her picking up her red pen and drawing a huge, heavy line across my worksheet and the "0" she put on the upper right corner of my paper.

I was in 3rd grade. One morning, we were told to answer some Math questions. Our teacher made a big deal out of telling us to put the answers only! Answers only! She wrote on the blackboard, 'ANSWERS ONLY.' OK.

So I worked the 25+ problems in addition and subtraction, and I was the first one to finish. I was very careful about my work-ups. I was the new kid in school. I need to make good impression. It was my 3rd school. I moved school a lot due to my parent's work.

I went up to her and she looked at it. Then she stared at me, eyes squinted, and lips pursed. I think she asked me if I was stupid. I said no. Then she asked me why I only have answers on my paper. I replied, "Because you said "answers only, Ma'am." She then told me I was being rude and impertinent.

That's when she picked up her pen and marked across my paper. She proceeded to berate me about listening and following instructions. About how I'd never succeed in school as I was not smart enough to understand anything.

I did follow her instructions. I put in my answers. I had my notes where I did the work-up, but she would have none of it. She had gleefully graded me zero.

I had all correct answers in my paper yet I failed that test.

I was a straight "A" and an honor student. Yet, I let her remark of my "stupidity" get to me.


posted by Book Worm at 10:58:00 PM, |


I know a number of people with vivid (and usually negative) memories from third grade. Third grade teachers should undergo special screening, designed to identify and exclude those with such abysmal communication "skills."