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Tuesday, December 26, 2006
What stress does to a man. It's like a paper crumpled repeatedly, dipped in glue. It becomes wrinkled, and stiff and dry. I could sprinkle glitter into it and decorate it with colors, but I can still see the lines from the wrinkled stress it has.

I think faces of people tells a story. Just like a glittered and decorated crumpled paper, I can tell.

Even as he sits and read, the picture of relaxation, I can tell he's tense and never quite completely in repose. When I look very closely, I picture violin string. It might be at rest, but it's never relaxed.


posted by Book Worm at 7:59:00 PM, |


I stopped by looking for a TT and read wrinkles! Humpf. I've got a few of those.

Here's my TT for Dec. 28--THE TALK.